The Windows or OS/2 commandline window (Windows "command prompt" or "OS/2 Window") is useful, but not very comfortable. Some simple functions are not part of the default installation. You need some freeware programs to extend the default functionality. The Unix shell is more powerful, but difficult to use for users from the DOS-OS/2-Windows world.
DO replaces a handful of old freeware exe programs which stopped running properly due to integer overflow after the Year 2000.
All archive files are smaller than 1 MB.
DO 2.00 for OS/2 2005-18 Freeware by Martin Vieregg available for Windows, OS/2, Mac and Linux General Syntax: DO COMMAND [SOURCEDIR] [.] [WILDCARD1 WC2...] [TARGETDIR] [COMM NDS] [SINCE:MM-DD-YY] [ATTRIB:ARSH] DO DISKFREE D: shows the free disk space of disk D: DO DISKSIZE D: shows the size of disk D: DO DISKINFO D: shows free disk space and size of disk D: and ?: show all drives DO LISTDIR lists all directories DO SIZE D:\MYDIR shows the size of all files in the directory (with subdirs) DO TREE shows a directory tree DO LIST shows full file name of all files DO LISTSIZE shows full file name and size of all files, LISTSIZEDATE plus date DO TYPE *.TXT prints all *.TXT files to stdout (with subdirs) DO SEARCH String1 AND String2 search strings. (operators: AND OR ANDNOT) DO SEARCHLIST writes only the filename, not the occurences of the string DO LOWERCASE, UPPERCASE, CAPITAL renames files: file.txt, FILE.TXT, File.txt DO TIME:HH.MM changes the file time, but remains the file date DO DATE:MM-DD-YY or DATE:DD.MM.YY changes the file date, but remains time DO WHICH PROGRAMNAME shows full filename of progs which will be executed DO WAIT n waits for n seconds; DO WAIT hh:mm waits for daytime DO WAITFORDRIVE D: waits for availability of drive D: (floppy or CD-ROM) DO DELETE deletes all files. Test with DO LIST! BE CAREFUL !!!! For most commands, you can type wildcard filenames. A single dot omits subdirs.
In 1.99/2.00, a very powerful COPY functionality has been added, with progress bar in the commandline and with the ability to split files larger than 4 GB (because of the limitation of FAT32 drives). Then a sort functionality has been added where you can list your files alphabetically, by size or date over the whole disk.
You will find a more detailed description of the functionality Readme.txt in the
archive file.