Martin's Editor, or simply ME, is a Freeware for Windows and OS/2 and a substitute for Windows Notepad or OS/2 System Editor. ME is part of an editor family, because several of my Freeware and Shareware programs contain an editor (ME, Hypermake, WSedit and the german accounting program Textbuch). ME is the most basic editor of the family and is simply intended to edit text files. It has no translation and spell checking ability, cannot read/write Wordstar files, but ME contains printing and a lot of nice features to use from the commandline, e.g. opening batch files without selecting the directory.
The most important features are:
some ME features:
Here you can download ME for Windows ME-WIN.EXE und ME for
OS/2 ME-OS2.WPI (old versions each 0,5 MB) and the new
versions on Beta test versions of editors page. ME is
free. The only consideration is that you should report bugs please if you find