Version: 4.91 (10-2016)
Here you can download Hypermake 4.90.
hmakewin.exe for Windows (3 MB) for Linux 32bit GTK2 (5 MB)
hmakeos2.wpi for OS/2 und eCS (1.3
hmakemac.dmg for Macintosh (4 MB)
The Windows and the Linux archive files includes the WIPFC IPF compiler and the DOCVIEW IPF viewer, Mac and Linux includes a HTML-Help viewer, all platforms include a HTML-Help compiler.
Please report bugs soon, thank you! The next time, frequent updates will be available.
Here are the old versions: hmakewin-old.exe hmakeos2-old.wpi
Hypermake 4.0 DOS version: (0.3 MB).
If you have ideas for other features or located bugs in the current version, please
E-mail me!